Addiction Therapy
Treating AddictionBefore we start treating addiction with Hypnotherapy at The Therapy Studio Basingstoke the individual must want to give-up their habit. During hypnosis I can help you gain control over your life in many ways. I can help you set out goals and suggest ways in which behaviour can be modified enabling you to break free from addiction by proposing and showing steps to change the way in which existing behaviours or habits are carried out.
During treatment positivity and the ability to succeed can be reinforced using tools such as motivational techniques, body-image and self-control. Psychological and emotional issues surrounding the addiction such as anxiety can also be addressed as these can be prevalent when treating habitual use such as nicotine and cannabis abuse. |
Going forwardsI provide exercises to practice at home with the aim of inducing self-hypnosis and increasing self-control. Underlying issues including stress and emotional issues can also be treated and dealing with these can be an important part of the process. By having positive thoughts, definite goals and a support network, I can help you overcome and break that cycle, set you free from addiction, allowing you to live life to the full .
The Therapy Studio Hypnotherapy Practice
4 Camlea Close Basingstoke Hampshire RG21 3BP T: 07961 703031 E: [email protected] |